Headerimage Pneumatic Starter

Pneumatics Starter

With the pneumatic starter, students discover how the four disciplines connect as they understand how pressure and force is related and calulated, how pneumatical components work, how they are arranged in circuits and how they are designed to fullfil given technical tasks.


  • Apply the engineering design process to develop parts and products
  • Create pneumatical circuits, build and test them

Perfect for starting

Children cannot start learning about technology early enough. The Pneumatics Starter is an ideal way to begin learning about technology from age 11 onwards.


The Pneumatics Starter deals with a variety of material, from the basic principles of physics (pressure, force) through to logic operations and the basic principles of automation technology. It uses only authentic industrial components, which helps to ensure high motivation on the part of students. Students can discover the purpose of components for themselves and use them to assemble interesting circuits.

Getting to grips with technology

A further special feature is the opportunity for hands-on experience of the components – for example, the air supply for the Pneumatics Starter is provided by a small hand air pump and reservoir. This directly demonstrates to students the relationship between pressure and force.

Additional advantage - working with the Pneumatics Starter is absolutely safe.

Upon completion of the STEM Pneumatics Starter course, students will be able to:

  • Understand Fundamentals of pneumatics
  • Understand Physical principles: volume, pressure, force
  • Apply Signal input and processing
  • Describe Basic principles of automation
  • Use Logic operations (AND, OR)
  • Design technical systems (component selection and component sizing)
  • Basic mechanical skills (assembly, screwing, installation of tubing)
  • Create technical documentation: reading and producing circuit diagrams
Student using pneumatic starter

STEM Connections

Sience, Technology, Engineering, Math


  • Pressure and force
  • Pressure and air volume


  • Pneumatical components


  • Design process
  • Designing, building and testing of pneumatical circuit


  • Units of measurement
  • Calculating unknown vaues with formulas


Equipment and Supplies

  • 1x single-acting cylinder
  • 1x double-acting cylinder
  • 1x 5/2-way valve, monostable, pneumatically actuated
  • 1x 5/2-way valve, bistable, pneumatically actuated
  • 2x 3/2-way pushbutton valve
  • 1x AND valve
  • 1x OR valve
  • 1x flow control valve
  • 1x aluminium profile plate, one-piece
  • Mounting accessories for cylinders and valves
  • Compressed air supply, with air pump, air reservoir and pressure gauge
  • Set of tools, screws, tube

Detailed documentation on CD-ROM (de/en/es/fr): Comprehensive book of exercises with solutions and didactical instructions for use in teaching; companion materials with numerous colour illustrations, basic representations, photos and sectional views and safety instructions, including copying rights