3D at home

3D printing

3D printing is a big issue for young people worldwide. That’s why we want to offer an opportunity for young people to deal with this topic in a creative and individual way. Experimenting with different materials should encourage the young people’s joy of experimentation.

Open Source approach

We want to support learners by making the CAD data freely available on the website and on GitHub for further development. We want to inspire and give impulses to realize own ideas, to become creative and to dare to try things out with simple tools.

DIY Hand

Alternatively, instead of the silicone cap used on the Bionic Chameleon, users can now recreate a DIY Hand inspired by the human hand. This is attached to the body using cable ties that are connected to the servo motors to create the hand movement. The Bionic Hand is modeled after the human hand. However, it only has four fingers, as only four servo motors were included in the Bionics Kit.

The idea for the DIY Hand came from Dutchy3D in the Netherlands.


DIY 3-Point-Gripper

As an alternative to the 2-point gripper used for gripping the Bionic Elephant, you now have the option of developing a 3-point gripper yourself. This requires three Fin Ray elements and a base plate from the 3D printer.

The idea came from our developers in the Bionics4Education project team at Festo Didactic SE.


DIY Bionic Flower Bowl

Create your own bowl for the Bionic Flower. As an alternative to the supplied bowl, you can also consider for yourself whether there are other ways to design and construct an individually designed bowl. Let yourself be inspired by our proposal.

The idea came from our developers in the Bionics4Education project team at Festo Didactic SE.

Download 3D printing data (zip)